
It was the kind of day where you are taken a little off guard by the striking beauty of the day. You step out your front door and the shining sun, crisp air and soft breeze cause your soul to smile. It was that kind of morning when I decided to walk to work. A group of people and the crossing guard were talking and looked up together to greet me with a unified smile. “Good morning!” the crossing guard nodded to me as if we were old friends. My head spinning a bit from love sent my way I walked on. As I turned on to the corner a woman whose black trench coat provided backdrop for the blond waves that fell on her shoulders, reached out her hand to the woman in the burhka. As the handshake ended the woman with blond waves pulled the woman whose crown was covered for a kiss on the cheek. They parted ways as I neared them and i walked into the space they were in, sensing the joy in the air between them.

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